dForce Hip and Breast V2 not working properly

Issue #776 closed
bouich jules created an issue

hello, finally a really good daz functions has been released for dforce on breast


while it’s working great on daz, it’s unfortunately not working properly in blender,

it would be really perfect if we can have same effect as daz here:

HS dForce Breast V2 compare with V1 - YouTube

Comments (24)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    The dforce importer is not intended to work the same as daz, that is, it will not get the same draping or deformations. It can be used to simulate dforce outfits with the blender cloth modifier. Also dforce is a cloth simulator so daz PAs are forcing it to make some softbody because they don’t get better options. In blender you do have better options, see #506.

    Blender Tutorial - Soft Body Simulation | Advance Simulation | Jiggles & Wiggles | 2.9 - YouTube

  2. bouich jules reporter

    Yes Alessandro, already tried everything possible for blender it’s too complex, and it never give good results like this one here that we can have with daz and this version of hip/breast v2.

  3. Alessandro Padovani

    Unfortunately I’m not the best guy to help with softbody, since I’m usually happy with just springbones that take a couple minutes to setup. With springbones I get both bouncing effects and limited collision. But I see others can do wonderful things as also shown in the video I linked above, though I understand it takes some time to setup.

    That said, I’ll see if I can get some easy “softbody“ for you with the cloth modifier to mimic dforce, though I still believe it’s not the correct way to do it.

    Also I don’t agree that dforce breasts are so good. It is good enough when the breasts are free, but the test with collision that we see at the end of the video clearly shows that the breasts lose both volume and shape, that wouldn’t happen with a true softbody.

  4. jeroen b

    I attached a simple G8F animation video, made with lattices & rigid bodies. I could also attach the blendfile 64Mb size, not sure if that is possible though.

  5. bouich jules reporter

    really amazing job. never saw such a perfect thing like this!

    great job again, lattice is the way to go!

  6. jeroen b

    Well thank you , but I would not call it perfect. The collisions are not that accurate but good enough in this case. Perhaps the new geometry nodes feature in Blender 3.0 can create much better collisions.

    I don't usually do these sort of XXXL sized breasts, for characters with normal proportions (and dressed) the setup becomes much easier as this and baking the simulation will then be very fast.

    My workflow is to first create a simple rigid body simulation (that you can adjust for the effect of gravity, something you cannot do with lattices) and then add a soft-body-lattice for extra jiggle and collisions.

  7. Alessandro Padovani

    Jeroen, that’s a very interesting and original technique that I never saw in the tutorials around. I was trying to get something simple with the cloth simulation for Bouich but the results I got are not so good. Thank you for sharing !

  8. bouich jules reporter

    thank you both!

    im actually super satisfied with what jeroen shared, it’s really perfect for me! and i managed to do similar for all my models, i think it’s much much better than cloth simulation.

    thank you so much alessandro also for your try!

  9. bouich jules reporter

    Dont know if thomas might be interested in implementing what jeroen did into the plugin 😉

    dont even know if its possible.

  10. bouich jules reporter

    I see that Thomas implemented jereon idea in the last commit!

    however there is some bug, i’ve noticed the lattice doesnt import the soft body modifier.

  11. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, it was fun, but it doesn’t work properly. This was the first time I ever tried rigid body simulations, so I probably did something wrong. Perhaps Jeroen can point out the mistakes.

  12. jeroen b

    Suprised that you take this on Thomas, great fun!

    If you have trouble with rigid bodies, be assured you’re not alone! A good way to start is to never use the physics properties in the property editor for creating RB’s & RB-constraints. Only use the viewport menu; objects/rigid bodies/etc. etc.

    This weekend I will check out your new features.

    Thanks for everything!

  13. jeroen b

    I tested the breast bounce option, the rigid body setup is unusual.
    Normally there are two collections that you can select for RiBo's (but do not show up in the outliner); "rigid body world" and "rigid body constraints" only the last one is included in your setup.
    I am no expert of rigid bodies at all, but I don't think that this will work properly. The pictures show how it normally looks like; active & passive RiBo's should be included in the "rigid body world" coll. and RiBo-constraints in the "rigid body constraints" coll. (besides being included in the RiBo coll.)
    If you create RiBo's & constraints (I do this always through the viewport menu), Blender creates these two special RiBo-collections automatically.

    The active RiBo's are parented to the chest bone (like the passive one's & constraints), I don't think that this is correct since they're motion should only be controlled by the RiBo-simulation through the RiBo-constraints.

    RiBo size matters, don't ask me how this works but if I double the size (and then apply scale) it gives a much better result (keeping other settings the same).

    The RiBo setup should be compensated for the effect of gravity. In the pictures, the damped track constraints for the breasts are disabled. The position of the active RiBo's is adjusted in frame 1 so that the final active RiBo's rest position in the simulation in frame 250, is precisely at the tail of the breastbones.

    The lattices are missing the soft body modifiers and the vertex group for pinning. To make the lattices more user friendly, it is very handy to create a lattice and then make a linked copy that is mirrored over the X axis (and positioned and parented properly) This way, when you change something, you only have to do it once.

    I will try to upload an improved version of the blend-file that I shared earlier for reference.

  14. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I fixed an number of issues in the last commit. However, it is not easy to get good behaviour, but that may be because I don’t know how to tweak the simulation parameters. But I don’t have experience with neither rigid body nor softbody simulations, so it is probably me.

    The first thing I did was to load a dance animation, where the lady turns around. That didn’t work out well, because the icospheres at the tits don’t follow. That’s why I would like to parent the whole rigid body simulation to the chest bone, but that doesn’t seem to be how things work.

  15. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I hope to make a 1.6.1 release soon, because things are starting to look really stable. This tool will probably be disabled then since it is still very experimental.

  16. bouich jules reporter

    Thank you thomas for trying, it’s not important tough because we can reproduce it manually easily.

    feel free to close this issue whenever you want,

    thank you again,

  17. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Removed in last commit. I still think it would be useful to integrate some kind of breast bounce with this add-on, since unlike general tools it knows about the genesis meshes. At least I would be interested in that myself. However, it has to be something more robust than this.

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