Load all for a animation give crash

Issue #831 resolved
bouich jules created an issue


i am getting this crash

How to reproduce this erro:

Long animation with many jcm, morph on daz,

with the plugin import it, then click on missing then load all

i get immediately this error.

thank you!

Comments (14)

  1. bouich jules reporter

    tried with old version of the plugin, no crash but no morph is imported.

    with new version a crash and no morph.

  2. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Fixed in last commit. However, you should be aware that the pose may not work if you set Missing Morphs = Load All, because the pose file may contain body morphs. If so you must make all bones poseable and load the pose again. Or set Missing Morphs = Load, which only loads missing face morphs.

  3. bouich jules reporter

    Crash Fixed, but Load All still doesn’t import ALL body morph.

    I’m almost sure it have the same fuction as load face.

    You can try put some body morph in an animation then use it, it will not import them.

  4. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Yes, I noticed that too. It imports the morphs in the daz file, but not any morphs they depend on. So Arms Up-Down is imported, but not Left Arm Up etc.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Previous remark is wrong. The problem is that for some morphs, the morph name does not match the file name, as discussed in #683. The correct way to handle this would be to scan the entire database to find out which morphs are defined in which files. However, that would take a very long time and I don’t really want to do that, especially since most of the time the morph and file names are similar.

    Now missing morphs are loaded even if the file name is similar but not exactly the same. By similar I mean:

    1. Not case sensitive.
    2. Morphs that begin with CTRL and pCTRL are the same, e.g. CTRLArmsFrntBck and pCTRLArmsFrntBck.

    It is not watertight, but a lot more missing morphs are loaded now. And the morphs not found are listed in the terminal window, so matching can be improved in the future.

  6. bouich jules reporter

    Got you, last commit give a new crash here:

    using mhx to load the pose, don’t know if that’s the issue.

  7. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I saw and fixed this for standard morphs, but my tests didn’t load any missing custom morphs. Fixed now.

    Mhx is not the issue here, but there may be other problems if you try to load missing morphs to the mhx rig. Facial morphs should be ok, but body morphs will give errors since the bone hierarchy and names have changed.

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