HD Material Not Same as SD

Issue #900 resolved
Jason Weise created an issue

I have noticed in one of the recent updates that when I export as HD I am getting the HD Mesh with a weird dark material.

This seems to happen constantly with Victoria 8.1 HD Characters that I am using.

If you have a look at the screenshot provided you can see the “SD” mesh material is ok yet the underlaying “HD” Mesh is that dark color.

This happens regardless of Easy Import or normal import.

NOTE: If I only export a SD character from Daz (even the one in the screenshot) the material on the SD mesh is fine, it seems to only be related to the HD Mesh and I have confirmed all the expected materials are on the mesh 😕

Comments (11)

  1. Jason Weise reporter

    It might be more helpful if I show them seperately.

    First image is the “SD” mesh (HD hidden) and the second is the “HD” mesh (SD hdden)

  2. Alessandro Padovani

    Can’t reproduce the bug. Tested with some 8.1 figures and they seem to work fine here. Does it happen to you with Victoria 8.1 for example ? Or is it just a specific figure that doesn’t work ? Do you use any special “skin effect“ other than the basic figure ?

    Also of course please test with the latest commit if you have a old version.

    edit. note. important. The multires modifier doesn’t always work fine and it may fail with some geometries. See #733. This is a blender limit, not a plugin bug. If this is the case you should get a warning by the plugin. Is multires correctly applied and working on your black figure ?

    edit. workaround. If this is the case you can use the HD addon by Xin to save the HD shape as a displacement map, instead of using a multires modifier.

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    This may be problem with the HD UV maps. Have you checked the UVs in the UV editor?

    The HD export script has an option called Export HD UVs. There is also a global setting called Multiple UV Layers. I think it is a bad idea to disable both.

  4. Alessandro Padovani

    Thomas, I believe that is a bad HD geometry as in #733 because in that case the geometry turns black and the HD uv map is lost even if it has been saved in the export options. Plus there’s no multires in this case.

    feature request. As a workaround for this case, since the plugin keeps the HD geometry, it would be useful to have the “bake maps“ tool available even without multires and local textures. I mean multires and local textures shouldn’t be needed to bake the HD geometry to displacement maps, unless I miss something. And having this option would avoid to use the HD addon by Xin so we can do it inside the plugin that’s easier. If possible of course.

    Please let us know what you think.

  5. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    I think baking between separate meshes will run into problems in regions where there are several surfaces close to each other, like the inside of the mouth. Perhaps if one could bake each material separately. That would avoid confusing cheek, mouth and teeth faces.

  6. Alessandro Padovani

    It should be possible to separate by loose parts, then bake by material for each part. That way close geometries should be avoided fine enough. After baking the loose parts could be reassembled. But, if this is too much of a burden may be it is not worth it since we can use the HD addon by Xin. I supposed, perhaps erroneously, that these details were already taken care of by the actual “bake maps“ tool.

  7. Jason Weise reporter

    Hi all, sorry for the delay in response here, I was called away for work.

    I think I have discovered what is causing this “black” material. These have all been Genesis 8.1 characters with PBR Skin the ones above was just Victoria 8.1 HD and the following screenshots are Miley 8.1 HD.

    I see that the HD and SD meshes have their materials assigned correctly if I DO NOT apply a geograft. If I do apply a geograft then the material goes black.

    The screenshots below are the exact same HD character (Miley HD 8.1) - the first one is just nude exported from Daz.. nothing else done at all, the second screenshot is with Golden Palace applied and as soon as I import the material goes black (the Golden Palace material is fine LOL) - Note I have not merged the geograft, it is straight imported to Blender with no errors on import

    I am using the very latest version of Diffeomorphic from Bitbucket as of today. The default settings and HD UV’s enabled on export in Daz

  8. Jason Weise reporter

    Ok, after lots of trial and error, I think I have found what is happening.
    When I add Golden Palace there is a Shell that is added to the Body and Head slots.

    If I remove the Shell (I have to do it twice) then the material appears correctly.

  9. Alessandro Padovani

    There’s an issue with golden palace and G81 because the shell fix script by Meipe doesn’t hide the G81 body material so you have to do it yourself in daz studio or in blender. This doens’t look the same as your first issue though because you had the whole figure black, not just the body shell.

    For HD figures it is likely that the issue is #773, especially if you exported with geografts.

  10. Jason Weise reporter

    Thanks for the advice @Alessandro Padovani , I didn't realise I could fix the shell in Daz. I found the issue with Meipe script and just turning off the body parts that shouldn't be on seems to fix the materials.

    Thanks again!

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