Easy Import Daz - Not rigging HD Mesh after merge

Issue #911 resolved
Jason Weise created an issue

If I use the Easy Import Daz to import a HD character and have the option to merge rigs selected as per:

I have noticed that when posing the rig the HD mesh doesn’t appear to be skinned to the rig, only the non-HD mesh.

In the following screenshot I have preformed the following:

  1. Export HD from Daz (basic nude character no hair, no clothes)
  2. Use “Easy Import Daz” and Merge Rigs and Merge Geografts - Imports ok with no errors.
  3. Select the rig, go into “Pose” mode and rotate a bone (head for example).. only the non-HD mesh works

This also happens if I use the normal import process and “Merge Rigs” from the menu button

Comments (7)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    Also make sure that the global setting Add Multires is enabled. The HD vertex groups are not exported, because that would increase the time needed to export the dbz file many times, and it is already painfully slow. Therefore the vertex groups for a true HD mesh cannot be imported. However, if the HD info is encoded in a multires modifier, the vertex groups for the base mesh can be reused.

    If you want to pose a true HD mesh, you can use Advanced Setup > Mesh > Transfer Vertex Groups and add an armature modifier manually. Make sure that the Preserve Volume option is enabled.

  2. Jason Weise reporter

    @Thomas Larsson @Alessandro Padovani Thanks for coming back to me.

    I still think there is something wrong, I have tested on another machine with the very latest commit of Diffeomorphic and I still get the same results.

    I have tried both with using Geometry Editor and without (I have always previously performed it with the Geometry Editor as that is what the blog says to do).

    I am definitely getting no errors whatsoever with either method, below is a screengrab of my status bar immediately after import and the console log. I also include some screenshots showing the exact results I get after importing with nothing else done beside hiding the non-HD mesh and going into pose mode.

    Loading DAZ
    DAZ loaded
    Load settings from C:/Users/Jason/import-daz-settings-28x.json
    Loading D:\_Characters\Woman_005\Woman_005.duf
    Parsing data
    Found UV set 'Golden Palace' in '/data/meipex/goldenpalace/goldenpalace_genitalia_v2/UV Sets\Meipex\Base\Golden Palace.dsf#Golden Palace'
    Fitting objects with dbz file...
    Highdef Genesis8_1Female 2 262514
    Highdef Genesis8_1FemaleEyelashes 2 9390
    Highdef Female 8_1 Tear 2 2808
    Highdef GoldenPalace_2254 2 2254
    Zero verts: GoldenPalace_Shell
    Building objects...
    TIFFFetchNormalTag: Warning, Incompatible type for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.
    Build HD mesh for Miley 8.1 HD: 262514 verts, 261888 faces
    HD mesh Genesis81FemaleGeom_HD built
    Build HD mesh for Genesis 8.1 Female Eyelashes: 9390 verts, 7008 faces
    HD mesh EyelashesCollapsed_HD built
    Build HD mesh for Genesis 8.1 Female Tear: 2808 verts, 2608 faces
    HD mesh bs_TearProjectionShape_HD built
    Build HD mesh for Golden Palace Gens: 2254 verts, 2238 faces
    HD mesh GoldenPalace_HD built
    HD mesh same as base mesh: Golden Palace Gens
    Dependency loop: lToe lMetatarsals
    Dependency loop: rToe rMetatarsals
    Pruning UV maps
    Scale eye moisture vertices for Genesis8-female mesh "Miley 8.1 HD Mesh"
    Centers: <Vector (0.0318, -0.0667, 1.6863)> <Vector (-0.0319, -0.0667, 1.6864)>
    File "D:\_Characters\Woman_005\Woman_005.duf" loaded in 17.826 seconds
    Import scene only
    Main character: Genesis8-female
    Merge rigs
    Merge infos to Miley 8.1 HD:
    Mesh with no vertex groups: Genesis 8.1 Female Eyelashes_HD
    Mesh with no vertex groups: Genesis 8.1 Female Tear_HD
    Merge materials
    Lips-1.001 = Face-1.001
    Ears-1.001 = Face-1.001
    Cornea-2.001 = EyeMoisture-2.001
    Irises-1.001 = Pupils-1.001
    Sclera-1.001 = Pupils-1.001
    GP_Labia Minora = GP_Vagina.001
    GP_Rectum = GP_Vagina.001
    GP_Torso_Back = GP_Torso.001
    Merge geografts
    Merge ['Golden Palace Gens'] to Miley 8.1 HD Mesh
    Info: Removed 44 vertice(s)
    Make all bones poseable
      Rename bones
      Change constraints
      Restore bone drivers
      Restore sum drivers
      Update scripted drivers
      Update drivers
      Update vertex groups
      Update shapekeys
    Make All Bones Poseable completed in 1.5 seconds
    File D:\_Characters\Woman_005\Woman_005.duf loaded in 25.631 seconds
    TIFFFetchNormalTag: Warning, Incompatible type for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.
    Loading D:\_Characters\Woman_005\Woman_005.duf
    Parsing data
    Found UV set 'Golden Palace' in '/data/meipex/goldenpalace/goldenpalace_genitalia_v2/UV Sets\Meipex\Base\Golden Palace.dsf#Golden Palace'
    Fitting objects with dbz file...
    Highdef Genesis8_1Female 2 296609
    Highdef Genesis8_1FemaleEyelashes 2 9390
    Highdef Female 8_1 Tear 2 2808
    Highdef GoldenPalace_2254 2 35841
    Zero verts: GoldenPalace_Shell
    Building objects...
    TIFFFetchNormalTag: Warning, Incompatible type for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.
    Build HD mesh for Miley 8.1 HD: 296609 verts, 295848 faces
    HD mesh Genesis81FemaleGeom_HD built
    Build HD mesh for Genesis 8.1 Female Eyelashes: 9390 verts, 7008 faces
    HD mesh EyelashesCollapsed_HD built
    Build HD mesh for Genesis 8.1 Female Tear: 2808 verts, 2608 faces
    HD mesh bs_TearProjectionShape_HD built
    Build HD mesh for Golden Palace Gens: 35841 verts, 35752 faces
    HD mesh GoldenPalace_HD built
    Dependency loop: lToe lMetatarsals
    Dependency loop: rToe rMetatarsals
    Pruning UV maps
    Scale eye moisture vertices for Genesis8-female mesh "Miley 8.1 HD Mesh"
    Centers: <Vector (0.0318, -0.0667, 1.6863)> <Vector (-0.0319, -0.0667, 1.6864)>
    File "D:\_Characters\Woman_005\Woman_005.duf" loaded in 19.837 seconds
    Import scene only
    Main character: Genesis8-female
    Merge rigs
    Merge infos to Miley 8.1 HD:
    Mesh with no vertex groups: Genesis 8.1 Female Eyelashes_HD
    Mesh with no vertex groups: Genesis 8.1 Female Tear_HD
    Mesh with no vertex groups: Golden Palace Gens_HD
    Merge materials
    Lips-1.001 = Face-1.001
    Ears-1.001 = Face-1.001
    Cornea-2.001 = EyeMoisture-2.001
    Irises-1.001 = Pupils-1.001
    Sclera-1.001 = Pupils-1.001
    GP_Vagina.001 = GP_Torso.001
    GP_Labia Minora = GP_Torso.001
    GP_Rectum = GP_Torso.001
    Merge geografts
    Merge ['Golden Palace Gens'] to Miley 8.1 HD Mesh
    Info: Removed 44 vertice(s)
    Make all bones poseable
      Rename bones
      Change constraints
      Restore bone drivers
      Restore sum drivers
      Update scripted drivers
      Update drivers
      Update vertex groups
      Update shapekeys
    Make All Bones Poseable completed in 1.6 seconds
    File D:\_Characters\Woman_005\Woman_005.duf loaded in 27.709 seconds

  3. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    That is the output if the global option Add Multires is disabled. No vertex groups are created for the HD meshes, because the HD vertex groups are not exported to the dbz file. If you enable multires, the output will contain lines of the form

    Info: Removed: 0 vertices, 0 edges, 0 faces
    Info: 1 new levels rebuilt

    which are not generated by the plugin but by Blender itself.

  4. Jason Weise reporter

    @Thomas Larsson thanks for the advice, I will double check but I am nearly certain that I have defaults loaded in Global Options. This was one of the first things I checked after reading through a bunch of other Bitbucket issues for this repo.

    I’ll loop back around when I check.

    I appreciate the help 🙂

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    You can provide a test scene as simple as possible in duf format reproducing the issue. So we can test. If it is only a specific figure that doesn’t work it could be #773. Otherwise provide the test scene with Victoria or GF that’s likely to be available to anyone.

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