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import_daz / Advanced / Morphs / Remove Standard Morphs

Remove Standard Morphs

Morphs are implemented as a complex web of drivers and shapekeys, and it is difficult to remove morphs once they have been loaded. However, it is possible to remove an entire class of standard morphs.


Here we have imported face units, expressions and visemes. To the right we see the shapekeys associated with the face units.


Press Remove Standard Morphs and select the morph classes to be deleted. In this case we want to remove the face units and visemes.


Now only the expressions remain, and the shapekeys associated with face units have also been removed.

As mentioned above, removing some morphs is not straightforward, and it can happen that some drivers are messed up. This happens if we try to remove the expressions instead of face units and visemes. If this happens Blender prints error messsages in the terminal window, like this:

Error in PyDriver: expression failed: -1.849e-5.513e+0.0001744*g-0.0001743*h
For target: (type=Armature, name="Aiko 8", property=rEyelidLowerInner:Loc:1:01, property_index=-1)

  File "<bpy driver>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

A safe way to remove morphs is to Remove All Drivers with Remove Properties enabled, and then import the morphs that we want to keep again.
