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import_daz / Setup / Corrections / Change Armature

Change Armature

This tool changes the armature modifier of the selected meshes. It also changes bone parents and add extra bones to the armature.

change arma.png

We want to use the Basic wear armature, for the Bardot outfit as well. With the three Bardot meshes selected and the Basic wear armature active, press Change Armature.


The Bardot outfit is now parented to the same armature as the other meshes, and the target for the armature modifier is also changed.


We can check that the armature of the Bardot meshes has been changed by loading a pose.

The special skirt bones have not been added to the new armature. If we need them we could use the Merge Rigs tool instead.

If we arrange the meshes in separate collections we can change outfits by excluding the Basic Wear and Bardot collections, respectively.

aiko double.png

Assume that we have imported two versions of Aiko, wearing the Basic wear and Bardot outfits. We want to combine both outfits so a single characters is using them.


We will not need the body, eyelashes and hair from the Bardot collection, so let us delete those meshes first.
