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import_daz / Setup / Finishing / Make All Bones Posable

Make All Bones Posable

This button works almost identically as Add Extra Face Bones in the Corrections section, but it adds freely posable bones to bones already driven by other bones. When a Genesis 3 or 8 character is imported, the pectoral and eyelid bones are driven, by the collar and eye bones, respectively. These driven bones can be found on layer 2.


The pectoral bone moves when the collarbone is posed, and the Rotation has turned purple, indicating that it is driven, in this case by the rotation of the lCollar bone.


If we want to pose the pectoral bone on top of the rotation induced by the collarbone, we need to make it freely posable by pressing the Make All Bones Posable button.


Now the pectoral bones on layer 2 is not driven, and the rotation channels are not purple anymore. The bone still moves with the collar bone, but we can add poses on top of that.


New "Drv" bones are created on layer 32. The "Drv" bones are driven by other bones, whereas the deform bones are parented to the corresponding "Drv" bones and thus freely posable.


In previous versions of the Daz Importer this button was located in the Corrections section. However, we should wait to make all bones posable until after all body morphs have been loaded, because body morphs also add drivers to bone and make them unposable. Here we have loaded a fist morph which drives the finger rotations, which has turned purple.


After invoking this tool, there are Drv bones for the fingers on layer 32, and the original finger bones can be rotated, at least as far as the limit rotation constraints allow.
