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import_daz / Setup / Materials / Resize Textures

Resize Textures

DAZ characters usually have many large and beautiful textures. This can be a problem if you try to render a scene on an old computer with limited RAM memory, because once the memory is full Blender comes to a halt. However, for many purposes the texture resolution is unnecessarily high. This tool resizes all textures in a given directory. See further An alternative to resizing textures is to use Blender's built-in Simplification, which is found in the Render Properties context. See for more information.


When the Resize Textures button is pressed, a file selector appears where you can select which textures to resize.

  • Steps: The number of rescale steps; one step means that the texture is rescaled by 50% in each direction, two steps that the scale factor is 25%, etc.
  • Resize All: Resize all textures used by selected meshes, in all subdirectories.

The name of the rescaled texture is the original filename followed by the "-resN", where N is the number of rescale steps. So if the original filename is foo.png, the rescaled textures are named as follows: Steps Scale factor File name 1 50% foo-res1.png 2 25% foo-res2.png 3 12.5% foo-res3.png 4 6.25% foo-res4.png

With the settings in the picture above, all textures of all selected meshes are resized. If we uncheck the Resize All button we have better control over which textures to resize.


To only resize Aiko's bump textures, go to the Aiko8 textures folder and select the bump maps only. Since all of those textures contain the string "B_10", we can use that string as a filter.
