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import_daz / Setup / Morphs / Import Baked Correctives

Import Baked Correctives

When we import a scene with Mesh Fitting set to DBZ (the default), any morph in DAZ Studio is baked into the character. This can be used to quickly add character-specific correctives for morphs.


This is Aivic in DAZ Studio. She consists of 70% Aiko and 30% Victoria. Save the scene and export to Blender.


Here are the complete list of morphs used by Aivic.


When Aivic is imported into Blender with Mesh Fitting set to DBZ, the Morphs panel has a new subpanel called Baked. It consists of the morphs that are baked into the mesh. We see that this list is the same as the currently used shapes in DAZ Studio. If we use some other Mesh Fitting setting, not Baked panel is created because no morphs are baked into the character in this case.

First import expressions and JCMs as usual. Then press Import Baked Correctives to load the character-specific correctives.


The dialog lets us decide which types of correctives to load. There is no reason to import JCM correctives, say, unless the basic JCM morphs are loaded.

  • Expressions: Import expression correctives, located in files that start with "eJCM".
  • FACS: Import FACS correctives, located in files that start with "facs".
  • JCMs: Import JCM correctives, located in files that start with "pJCM".


Many new shapekeys appear, some for Victoria and some for Aiko. However, there are no new sliders in the Custom Morphs panel, because the correctives are controlled by the same sliders as the main morphs.


Here we have set the Angry morph to one. The original Angry shapekey has been replaced by the appropriate mix of Aiko and Victoria shapekeys.


When Aivic is posed, JCM correctives for Aiko and Victoria improve the deformations. Note that not all characters have correctives for all JCMs. E.g., Aiko has a shapekey for bending the thighs side-side but not forward, whereas Victoria has both.
