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import_daz / Setup / Visibility / Add Visibility Drivers

Add Visibility Drivers


Now select the armature and press Add Visibility Drivers. A dialog appears where we can choose which meshes to add visibility drivers for.


  • Single Group: Control the visibility of all selected meshes with the same property.
  • Group Name: The name of the single group, if enabled.
  • Add Collections: Move each selected mesh to a new collection
  • All: Select all meshes in the list below
  • None: Unselect all meshes in the list below.
  • List of meshes that are children of the active armature.

Disable Single Group and add visibility drivers for the three meshes in the Bardot outfit.


We see in the outliner that the viewport and render visibility have turned purple, indicating that these properties are driven. The meshes have also been moved to new collections.


A new panel appears in the DAZ Importer tab. We can hide the Bardot skirt and top by disabling the corresponding checkboxes. It is also a good idea to disable the corresponding collections. This will completely exclude the hidden meshes from the scene, which speeds up performance. If we just disable the visibility, the meshes are invisible but still included in the scene, and Blender still take them into account.


When the Aiko mesh is selected, we see that the vertices hidden by the basic wear outfit are masked out.


With the armature selected, we again press Make Visibility Drivers. This time we use a Single Group with the Group Name Basic Wear, and add the shorts and tank top to it.


Visibility drivers have been added to the two meshes. They have also both been move to a new collection.


We can now toggle the visibility of the basic wear outfit on and off. The underlying skin is hidden when Aiko wears the clothes, so it can not poke through, but it is visible when she has undressed.
