Clone wikimhx_rts / Animation
- Remove Frame Zero: Remove all keys from frame 0. The BVH retargeter creates a T-pose at frame 0 which can be removed with this button.
- Remove Unused F-curves: Remove F-curves with a single key, or all keys equal.
- Clear Animation: Clear Animation for FK or IK bones.
- Set Constraints: Add aggressive constraints to the feet.
- Enforce Constraints: Keep all rotations within constraints.
- Bend Limbs Positive: Ensure that the limb's X rotation is positive.
- Shift Animation: Shift animation globally for selected bones.
- Keep FK Feet Above Floor:
- Transfer FK => IK:Transfer FK animation to IK bones.
- Transfer IK => FK:Transfer IK animation to FK bones.
- Keep IK Feet Above Floor: