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TwoPhotonAnalysis / Metadata

Accessing stack meta-data

Table 1: List of meta-data provided by a FocusStack object. All the parameters listed here are FocusStack class properties, and should be assigned from meta-data stored with the data file, whenever possible.

Meta-data parameter name Contents
Stack-global meta-data
.fPixelsPerUM Spatial calibration of the stack (X and Y), in pixels per um.
.tFrameDuration Acquisition time per frame, in seconds.
.fZStep Z spacing between subsequent frames, in μm.
.mfFrameShifts Misalignment shifts for each frame, in fractional pixels. Assigned manually, or using alignment method FocusStack/Align.
.vfBlackTrace Black set-point value for each frame, in raw units. Assigned manually, or using utility method FocusStack/DefineBlackRegion.
Stimulus-related meta-data
.tBlankTime Blank time between episodic visual stimuli.
.vnStimulusIDs List of stimuli presented (one stimulus ID per data file). Each stimulus ID can contain a sequence of several individual stimuli.
.nNumStimuli (Read-only)Total number of individual stimulus sequence IDs presented in the entire stack.
.cvnSequenceIDs Cell array, each element containing a vector of stimulus sequence IDs in the order they were presented.
.vtStimulusDurations Vector of stimulus sequence ID durations, in seconds. Each entry specifies the duration of the corresponding stimulus sequence ID.
.vtStimulusStartTimes Vector of onset times for each individual stimulus presentation, as an offset in seconds from the first frame of the stack. Assigned manually, or computed automatically.
.vtStimulusEndTimes Vector of end times for each individual stimulus presentation, as an offset in seconds from the first frame of the stack. Assigned manually, or computed automatically.
.mtStimulusUseTimes Matrix of times indicating which periods of stimulus presentation should be used for analysis. Each row corresponds to a stimulus sequence ID, and is a row vector [tStartTime tStopTime], indicating offsets from the start of the presentation of the corresponding stimulus.

Table 2: List of meta-data provided by a FocusStack object (continued from Table 1). Parameters listed that specify “FSI” for access are obtained using the FocusStack/FrameStimulusInfo class method, and are computed from the parameters given in Table 1.

Meta-data parameter name Contents
Frame-related meta-data
vtGlobalTime The time in seconds since the first frame in the stack. (FSI)
vnBlockIndex The index of the block (data file) the associated frame falls within. (FSI)
vnFrameInBlock The index of the associated frame within the block, with the first frame given index 1. (FSI)
vtTimeInBlock The time in seconds since the first frame in the block. (FSI)
vnStimulusSeqID The stimulus sequence ID associated with each frame. (FSI)
vtTimeInStimPresentation The time in seconds of the associated frame since the onset of the stimulus in which the frame falls. (FSI)
vnPresentationIndex The index of the current stimulus presentation in the entire stack. The first stimulus is given index 1. (FSI)
vbUseFrame A boolean value associated with each frame, indicating whether that frame should be used for analysis. (FSI)
tfBlankMean, tfBlankStd Mean and standard deviation distribution of the baseline distribution assigned to a stack. Obtained by referencing a stack using fs.BlankFrames(<stack reference>) or by using the FocusStack/GetCorrespondingBlankFrames class method. The baseline distribution is assigned using the FocusStack/AssignBlankFrame class method.
