
Clone wiki

EVEMon / NewFeatures4290

What's coming Next?

This page lists changes in release 1.8.8.

Contributors for this version

  • Jimi

Bug Fixes

  • Wiki macro error: Changeset 7ff4bac3d093 not found. - Fixed call to character factional warfare endpoint determining if a character is enlisted, so it doesn't produce API errors any more.
  • Wiki macro error: Changeset 6c0b11b8680c not found. - Fixed a crash bug when shift selecting in Items browser without first selecting a node.


  • Wiki macro error: Changeset 978e96f37088 not found. - Switched to usage of API endpoint sender name element for EVE mail messages instead of internal discovery algorithm via CharacterID call.
  • Wiki macro error: Changeset 0af64b217cb4 not found. - Switched to usage of API endpoint sender name element for EVE notifications instead of internal discovery algorithm via CharacterID call.
  • Wiki macro error: Changeset 306d07406e32 not found. - Updated the notifications ref type list.


  • Several improvements have been done to the base code to make EVEMon a better application.

Previous Versions
