I crash often and when I enter Majikk Jungle

Issue #35 resolved
ZexalDaBeast created an issue

I get this error message when i crash. What do i do?

Comments (24)

  1. ZexalDaBeast reporter

    I loved the original games and the reason I got this game is because Echo is a great game creator but as I experienced in GMAE I cannot continue with the story. I am stuck in Majikk. At one point I got through but after a battle it crashed. I made a save point in the area Majikk jungle and when I load it I get a black screen but music is playing. When i move and hit a battle or try to leave the area, the game crashes whilst on the same black screen and I get that error message briefly.

  2. Salia Nifo

    Does your computer meet the minimum requirements as listed on Steam? Which version are you using (it says in the titlebar before going fullscreen)?

    Edit: There is also a patch available that allows you to skip Majikk Jungle, as the map size is too large for some older graphics cards to handle. http://downloads.echoedgames.com/LargeMapSkip.zip

  3. Salia Nifo

    I know you said your specs surpass steams minimum, but what are your specs exactly? Have you tried going into Gameplay Options -> Performance Settings and turning on both Selective Clearing and Teleport Clearing modes?

  4. Salia Nifo

    This might sound like a stupid question, but what version of the game are you playing? The latest version on Steam is 1.2.2 and the latest on Itch is 1.2.1.

  5. ZexalDaBeast reporter


    Now I can't play as Kachies team after the Kasumi event after all the other paths were done

  6. ZexalDaBeast reporter

    So I got progress. I know I can load in the map since I just heard the music of the map after multiple load ins. Then I crashed with what seemed to be the same error message as earlier. Could my problem once again be about the maps size?

  7. Echo607 repo owner

    Oh geez, so sorry you're having so many problems. My computer loads the save file no problem, and your specs surpass mine so it should be running without issue.

    To rule out any sort of file-screwyness, you can update to the beta for v1.2.3 here: downloads.echoedgames.com/123patch.rar Overwrite the existing files in the games root folder.

    The only time I've ever gotten that error was back on version 1 on a very incredible low tech graphics card, which clearly isn't the case here.

    I'd also close anything else you have open while running it, but you've probably already tried that.

    I have noticed the game preforms unusually for some graphics cards for seemingly no reason (ones that are superior to the ones it was tested on), so I'm going to say that's probably the case. Laptops also tend to have issues. (if it was a map size issue, the game should be hanging on a black screen while still allowing play, like opening the menu, instead of crashing)

    I'll keep looking into it and get back to you if I find any possible solution.

    Also, GMAE was giving you problems? Send me a tweet over on twitter with a screenshot of the problem and I'll see about helping ya with it:P

  8. ZexalDaBeast reporter

    Thank you echo I will see what I can do and regarding GMAE I will take you up on that offer since I really loved gmae and was sad about being unable to continue. Thank you also Salia for all your help and the fix to my original problem. Seeya later people Regards ZDB

  9. Gabriel Dzeh

    I just got a problem similar. Right after the end of the first chapter, when Arber Forest appeared on screen, I went through some battles, but after one of them, a black screen with music. After moving enough to start another battle, the game simply closed. Maybe its because my notebook is not good enough to handle the game, but anyways, its good to mention I guess.

  10. Salia Nifo

    I do know that RPG Maker does not play nicely with some integrated graphics cards (laptops). Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about that.

  11. ZexalDaBeast reporter

    I used a different computer when mine was akward AF. Frankly I just needed a newer computer in my case since the game borked on my graphics card

  12. Kane Lewis Henry

    Majikk runned fine on my laptop so maybe your PC needs more RAM or ghz on your CPU i doubt that it's going to mess up anything since MV loves CPU and Memory Usage mostly Memory Usage since everytime GM:EM Crashes it's the Overload on my Memory causing my Laptop to Lag also but most of the time i can run it for a good Hour before my PC gives up

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