New forecast weather variables

Issue #15 closed
Former user created an issue

When mousing over the ❅ text to check the weather of the day, there are no listing of variables for the following:

  • Xenobioligists predict a sudden increase of alien lifeforms. Meeting a tribble is more likely today. (not sure about this so I included this anyway)
  • Today is windy and gloomy, so heroes will happily sleep a bit more.

Comments (3)

  1. Cordarion the Grey

    Thank you, especially for the exact wordings! We are expecting one more forecast to appear (there was a blog post in Russian Godville that mentioned three new forecasts) and planning to add them all at once.

    Meanwhile, if you need to detect unrecognized ones in your informers, take a look at gv.dailyForecast variable, which contains forecasts as plain text (as opposed to gv.isForecast): e.g., gv.dailyForecast ~* "tribble".

  2. Hankvi Guidza

    Oh thank goodness it’s been recognized!

    I happen to be the one submitted this and would like to add another to the list:

    • Today points of interest are even more interesting. Unplanned side-jobs are possible.

    Also, thanks for the pointers - I’m mostly familiar with conditional parsing from various programming languages.

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