Monster/hero death count variables

Issue #16 resolved
Hankvi Guidza created an issue

I checked in the FAQ for variables, but I see there’s no monster death count (and the hero death counter too but that’s optional.)

I’m somewhat a stickler to such milestones, but could these be added please?

Comments (4)

  1. Cordarion the Grey

    Could you provide an example expression, please? We don’t quite understand what practical purpose these variables could serve.

  2. Hankvi Guidza reporter

    I guess it’s purely for achievement purposes, but here’s an expression to inform every 1000 kills:

    {mns.killed} % 1000 == 0

    And here’s another for those looking towards the Honored Martyr achievement:

    Only 300-{hero.deaths} left to be an Honored Martyr!

  3. Cordarion the Grey

    I added gv.monstersKilled, so it’s now possible to create an informer such as:

    Title: {Math.floor(gv.monstersKilled / 1000)}k monsters killed!
    Condition: true
    Type: LNQ

    Regarding (hypothetical) gv.deaths, I don’t think it would be useful. You can already detect when your hero dies. And the number of deaths is always available right in the stats block, so those who are looking towards the Martyr achievement only have to glance briefly to get it.

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