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RogueSharp / RogueSharp.DiceNotation / README

RogueSharp.DiceNotation Namespace

Classes for parsing and rolling dice from the Dice Notation .NET library


Class Description
Dice The Dice class is a static class that has convenience methods for parsing and rolling dice
DiceExpression The DiceExpression class can be used to fluently add DiceTerms to a collection and then Roll them.
DiceParser The DiceParser class is used to parse a string into a DiceExpression
DiceResult The DiceResult class represents the result of rolling a DiceExpression
TermResult The TermResult class represents a single result of one of the terms in a DiceExpression


Interface Description
IDiceParser The DiceParser interface can be implemented to parse a string into a DiceExpression

[7]: 2014-2016 Faron Bracy
