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RogueSharp / RogueSharp / Rectangle / README

Rectangle Class

A class that defines a rectangle

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: RogueSharp


public class Rectangle : IEquatable<Rectangle>

The Rectangle type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Rectangle Initializes a new instance of Rectangle
Rectangle(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of Rectangle


Name Description
Bottom Returns the y-coordinate of the bottom of the rectangle
Center Returns the Point that specifies the center of the rectangle
Empty Returns a Rectangle with all of its values set to zero
Height Specifies the Height of the Rectangle
IsEmpty Returns a value that indicates whether the Rectangle is empty true if the Rectangle is empty; otherwise false
Left Returns the x-coordinate of the left side of the rectangle
Location Gets or sets the Point representing the upper-left value of the Rectangle
Right Returns the x-coordinate of the right side of the rectangle
Top Returns the y-coordinate of the top of the rectangle
Width Specifies the Width of the Rectangle
X Specifies the x-coordinate of the Rectangle with 0 being to the left and increasing as the Rectangle is moved to the right
Y Specifies the y-coordinate of the Rectangle with 0 being at the top and increasing as the Rectangle is moved downwards


Name Description
Contains(Point) Determines whether this Rectangle contains a specified Point
Contains(Rectangle) Determines whether this Rectangle entirely contains the specified Rectangle
Contains(Int32, Int32) Determines whether this Rectangle contains a specified point represented by its x and y-coordinates
Equals(Object) Determines whether two Rectangle instances are equal (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Equals(Rectangle) Determines whether two Rectangle instances are equal
Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.)
GetHashCode Gets the hash code for this object which can help for quick checks of equality or when inserting this Rectangle into a hash-based collection such as a Dictionary or Hashtable (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Inflate Pushes the edges of the Rectangle out by the specified horizontal and vertical values
Intersect(Rectangle, Rectangle) Creates a Rectangle defining the area where one Rectangle overlaps with another Rectangle
Intersect(Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle) Creates a Rectangle defining the area where one Rectangle overlaps with another Rectangle
Intersects(Rectangle) Determines whether this Rectangle intersects with the specified Rectangle
Intersects(Rectangle, Boolean) Determines whether this Rectangle intersects with the specified Rectangle
MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Offset(Point) Changes the position of the Rectangles by the values of the specified Point
Offset(Int32, Int32) Changes the position of the Rectangle by the specified x and y offsets
ToString Returns a string that represents the current Rectangle (Overrides ObjectToString.)
Union(Rectangle, Rectangle) Creates a new Rectangle that exactly contains the specified two Rectangles
Union(Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle) Creates a new Rectangle that exactly contains the specified two Rectangles


Name Description
Equality Compares two rectangles for equality
Inequality Compares two rectangles for inequality

See Also


RogueSharp Namespace

[34]: 2014-2016 Faron Bracy
