Tile Entity Registration

Issue #6 resolved
Penagwin created an issue

I added,

MACHINE_SYNCPLATE(TileEntitySyncPlate.class, "syncplate"),

to the Tiles Enum. In game if the block attached to that tile entity is placed minecraft crashes because the tile was not registered. If I add:

GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntitySyncPlate.class, "tile." + Reference.MOD_ID + ".syncplate");

to AE2Tech there isn't a problem. I have added a block enum without issue.

It is very likely I am doing something wrong, but if I'm doing it correctly there is a large problem.

Comments (3)

  1. Erin Reed repo owner

    Hey Penagwin, I stopped using the enum to register the tileentities. I am now registering them in BlockAEBase, if you look at any of the block classes (not the advanced ones) you will see the setTileEntity(TileEntityClass.class); in the constructor.

    I ment to depreciate the enum, just forgot too.


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