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Alternative FORTH for RPC / Home


This is an alternative Forth-system for RedPower computer.

Based on:

  • MineOS XP V1.2 by Eloraam
  • SlimForth by BR2k and tpw_rules (only this)

For more details, see the list of the differences.

Download links: disk image, sources.

Old version: v1.0a.

Short FAQ

What does SFIV stand for?

S.F.I.V. - Spherical Forth In Vacuum
This is a short description of MineOS I found on the website about Forth.

Is there SFIV Extended?

SFIV is in the extended version by default.

I do not use sortron. You can make a light version?

You can make it yourself.
Simply boot and execute FORGET SORTADDR
This will give you about 400 bytes of memory.
Do not forget to save it on a floppy disk.

Can I release more memory?

You can remove both sortron and "LIST/LOAD/PP" - related words.
FORGET \ will give you another 500 bytes of memory. (about 900 bytes in total)
