No srs with Auto for mp3 when file name includes [square brackets]

Issue #171 resolved
Gfy repo owner created an issue

File(s) not found: '\Temp\SRR-_j1nf140[inst].srs'. Continuing with searching for other files.

Two srs files aren't created with pyReScene Auto 0.6 on

02 - Saukrates - California [inst].CMS.mp3  MISSING 8797A9AA
04 - Solitaire - Murder [inst].CMS.mp3  MISSING 18D1E97B
01 - Saukrates - California.CMS.mp3 5,164,578   F385A42C
03 - Solitaire - Murder.CMS.mp3 4,486,959   D2AD8063

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