srs -d -dd -ddd parameter dosnt work

Issue #28 resolved
Former user created an issue

command: srs video.avi -d

srs.exe: error: no such option: -d

Comments (6)

  1. vadmium

    I think you’re meant to use two dashes: srs --d video.avi

    PS I just noticed the help output shows srs sample.mkv -dd as an example; it should probably be changed to srs sample.mkv --dd

  2. Gfy repo owner

    ReScene .NET is like this:

            -d: Use sample directory name as basis for generated .srs file name.
            -dd: Use parent directory name as basis for generated .srs file name.
            -ddd: Same as above, but puts the .srs file in the parent directory.

    but these parameters weren't possible with the library I used, so an extra - was added to all of them like the --help option shows.

        --d                 Use sample directory name as basis for generated .srs
                            file name.
        --dd                Use parent directory name as basis for generated .srs
                            file name.
        --ddd               Same as above, but puts the .srs file in the parent

    The example needs fixing indeed. A copy/paste error :)

  3. vadmium

    Actually I think you could do the Net version of these options if you really wanted, by using something like

    output.add_option("-d", "--d", action="count", dest="directory")
  4. Gfy repo owner

    If I remember correctly, -d would be possible, but not -dd. The .NET version has its own argument parser. The advantage of using optparse is that things like pyrescene -rsv . are possible too (merging short options together). Also the switches don't need to be put at the end anymore.

    I decided too keep it all similar for the three options. I also wonder who actually uses these options. They seem pretty useless to me:

    • -d: Almost all samples would be called Sample.srs. Could be used to keep the path info in the early days, but this info can be added to .srr files nowadays.
    • -dd: I've seen this used in early scripts. When there are two samples (propers), they still have to fix their script somehow so the first .srs won't be overwritten. I've seen releasename_1.srs and _2.srs being used.
    • -ddd: same as above. Maybe only used for easier scripting.

    All the above behavior can be done with -o too.

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