multiple args with con

Issue #246 resolved
Barry Grant created an issue

Bug to fix:

> trj <- mktrj(pc.xray, pc=1, rock=FALSE)
> con <- calpha.connectivity([9,, drop=FALSE]), d.cut=5)
>, con=con)
Error: formal argument "con" matched by multiple actual arguments

Comments (4)

  1. Barry Grant reporter

    BUGFIX: For Issue #246 multipe args

    Fix for multiple matching similar input args (e.g. con) in internal call to visualize. Revist when match.args() function can be generalized and further improved. See issue #246 on bitbucket

    → <<cset 87a5a2be412e>>

  2. Barry Grant reporter

    Fixed with commit 87a5a2b In general the internal match.args() function should handle this sort of thing in future. To be revisited...

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