WebApp FIT tab view error

Issue #266 resolved
Barry Grant created an issue

When a large number of structures are selected the FIT tab structure viewer can yield the following error:

Dimensions of input color matrix do not match input xyz requirements

E.g. try with "1git" and all 115 Galpha structures.

Comments (4)

  1. Lars Skjærven

    I get the same. Is this a problem with view.xyz()?

    Error in view.xyz(xyz, bg.col = bg, col = col) : 
      Dimensions of input color matrix do not match input xyz requirements
    Warning in run(timeoutMs) :
      Input 'xyz' has 122 frames. Only drawing first maxframes =  100
  2. Barry Grant reporter

    I will check... it works fine in regular bio3d R terminal mode. The warning msg is expected for more than 100 frames and can be suppressed by setting maxfames to a higher value e.g.

    view(xyz, maxframes=500)

    I am guessing it is the shiny server color definition. The view functions can color by frame which negates the need foe some of the older code in there that might be the route of this error. Will update shortly.

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