PCA-app: switching between PDB and sequence input does not update SEARCH results.

Issue #303 resolved
Shashank Jariwala created an issue

This issue was not apparent before due to the use of same demo (pdb: 2LUM) for both input type 'pdb' and 'sequence'. It is noticeable after changing pdb: 1AKE and keeping sequence the same (IgG):

  1. Run pca-app locally or visit https://dcmb-grant-shiny.umms.med.umich.edu/pca-app/
  2. Default input type is 'pdb' with pdbid: 1AKE
  3. Click 'Paste a single protein sequence' in Panel A) of SEARCH tab.
  4. Notice all the results are from pdbid: 1AKE
  5. Modify the sequence (delete last few residues from the sequence).
  6. This updates all the results on the SEARCH tab.
  7. Click 'Enter a single PDB structure code' radio-button.
  8. Notice panels B) and C) (pertaining hmmer results), remain unchanged (i.e. still from the input sequence).

Comments (4)

  1. Shashank Jariwala reporter

    OTHER: PCA-app, fixed switching between PDB and sequence input.

    • See issue #303.
    • Switching between PDB input and sequence input was previously not updating the search results.

    → <<cset 22b2bb749d13>>

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