RNA pdbaln

Issue #669 new
Former user created an issue


more of a question than an issue, but i am trying to push some RNA structure through a PCA pipeline and it fails a few ways.

the simplest failure is when i read in a few RNA pdbs and pdbaln fails with

Could not align PDBs due to missing amino acid sequence in files: 2E5L.A.pdb, 2F4V.A.pdb, 2HHH.A.pdb, 2UU9.A.pdb, 2UUA.A.pdb...

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    The pdbaln() function does not support RNA/DNA sequences yet. We may include this feature in a future release of bio3d. Thanks for reporting.

  2. Xinqiu Yao


    more of a question than an issue, but i am trying to push some RNA structure through a PCA pipeline and it fails a few ways.

    the simplest failure is when i read in a few RNA pdbs and pdbaln fails with

    Could not align PDBs due to missing amino acid sequence in files: 2E5L.A.pdb, 2F4V.A.pdb, 2HHH.A.pdb, 2UU9.A.pdb, 2UUA.A.pdb...

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