read.cif doesn't work for some PDBs

Issue #698 resolved
Tomasz Smolarczyk created an issue

read.cif doesn’t work for some PDBs.



For those two examples I get an error:

Error in .read_cif(file, maxlines = maxlines, multi = multi) : 
  Could not convert string to int (

bio3d version: 2.3.4.

read.pdb works fine for those two examples.

For most of the PDB it works fine, but there are couple of them that cause trouble.

Comments (4)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    Hi Tomasz,

    Thanks for the catch. We will take a look.

    Btw, both pdb IDs work with read.pdb() that you can use if there is no particular requirement of the mmCIF format data.

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