covariance matrix for normal mode analysis

Issue #707 new
Shenyuan Xu created an issue

Dear developers,

I am interested in obtaining the covariance matrix for each mode from normal mode analysis. In the COV(NMA), it seems that there is no option.

I also want to extract the dynamic cross-correlation for each mode from normal mode analysis. In the "dccm"(x, nmodes = NULL, ncore = NULL, ...), it seems that the option is the total number. I guess when we set nmode=1, it calculates the cross-correlation of mode 7; nmodes=2, it calculates the cross-correlation of modes 7 and 8. But how can I get the information for specific mode?

I really appreciate the help!

Shenyuan Xu

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    Both functions do not support calculations for specific modes. To do so, you need to extract the eigenvectors from ‘modes$U’ and follow the formula in the original papers.

    These options may be included in future versions.

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