Helix and Sheet converter (cif2pdb)

Issue #709 new
Former user created an issue

I'm a statistics students in UW-Madison working under Dr. Aaron Hoskins's biochem lab. I needed to convert cif files into pdb files to continue my network analysis. Bio3d has very useful, but the cif to pdb converter doesn't write out helix and sheet information. So I wrote two functions to address this issue (attached, read a cif file into table).

I just began coding a few months ago, and I don't how helpful this might be. I really enjoyed using the package and I hope it can keep improving.

Thank you all, Yichen Sun sun286@wisc.edu

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    Hi Yichen,

    Thanks for the contribution! We will take a look and may consider incorporating into future releases.

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