geostas stalls at core.find

Issue #717 resolved
Mehmet Sen created an issue


Somehow, geostas stalls right after the core.find section when doing tutorials.

Here is the simple progress


pdb <- read.pdb("1d1d", multi=TRUE)

Note: Accessing on-line PDB file

ca.inds <-, "calpha")

gs  <- geostas(pdb)

.. 220 'calpha' atoms selected

.. 'xyz' coordinate data with 20 frames 

.. 'fit=TRUE': running function 'core.find'

After this, it just stalls.

I would appreciate any suggestion.

Comments (3)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    I just tested and it run well. Make sure you have updated to the latest version of bio3d. Also, what OS are you using? Can you try turning off multicores using geostas(pdb, ncore=1)?

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