pdb.annotate error

Issue #849 resolved
Djoka Graor created an issue


When attempting to use pdb.annotate, I get the following error:

pdb.annotate(ids = '3JAE')
Error in split.default(X, group) : first argument must be a vector

I am running bio3d v2.4-2.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you and best wishes

Comments (4)

  1. Djoka Graor reporter


    Thanks for your reply. I’ve done this and the error still persists with version 2.4-2.9000.

    Best wishes

  2. Xinqiu Yao

    I tested and it works:

    structureId chainId macromoleculeType chainLength
    3JAE_A 3JAE A Protein 342
    3JAE_B 3JAE B Protein 342
    3JAE_C 3JAE C Protein 342
    3JAE_D 3JAE D Protein 342
    3JAE_E 3JAE E Protein 342
    experimentalTechnique resolution scopDomain
    3JAE_A EM 3.9 <NA>
    3JAE_B EM 3.9 <NA>
    3JAE_C EM 3.9 <NA>
    3JAE_D EM 3.9 <NA>
    3JAE_E EM 3.9 <NA>

    Make sure you have loaded the new version properly in your session and the function is not overridden by any pre-loaded function in the workspace or the same function name from an older bio3d. For example, you may ls() to see if there is a function with the same name. Also, type sessionInfo() to make sure you are using the new version.

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