Torsion angle calculations for multi-model PDB file

Issue #872 new
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I want to calculate all torsion angles for a multi-model PDB file. When I ran torsion.pdb, I am able to see the angles only for one model. How to get angles for all the models?

Comments (5)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    As far as I know, torsion.pdb()only takes the first model. A solution is to use the xyz2torsion.R (and the associated documentation, xyz2torsion.Rd) under new_funs/ here. The function hasn’t been integrated into the bio3d package. So, to use it, you need to source() first.

    Let me know if you get any problems.

  2. Ashraya Ravikumar

    Thanks for this! I ran the script but in the output, I only see phi, psi and chi1 even for longer side chain residues. How do I get chi2,chi3, etc. ?

  3. Xinqiu Yao

    You can use the tbl argument to set the angles (e.g., “chi1” up to “chi5”). See xyz2torsion.Rd for more detail.

  4. Ashraya Ravikumar

    Thanks a lot for pointing this out. Is there some way to output omega angle as well? Even when I mention ‘all’, it does not calculate omega angle.

  5. Xinqiu Yao

    No, it doesn’t output omega. One solution may be to split the multi-model file into multiple PDB files and then repeatedly use torsion.pdb() to get omega.

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