communities not colored on the struct and struct is not tube, VMD

Issue #893 new
Tamas Hegedus created an issue


My bio3D is at 2.4.3

vmd(net, pdb, …) results in a file, which does not set the colors of the residues based on communities and it also does not render the structure to tube as written in the docs. Only draw sphere and draw cylinder and draw color for these objects are in the file.

It would be important to visualize the community colors also on the protein structure - as in the fig of “The vmd() output for the HIVpr example MD trajectory”:

Should I try an earlier version of bio3D?

Thanks for your help,

Comments (1)

  1. Xinqiu Yao


    Did you try to change the ‘representation’ to tube and ‘coloring method’ to ‘chain’ in VMD?

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