How to implement elbow method for clustering to find the optimal K and how to generate a sorted table of eigenvalues with eigenvectors?

Issue #920 new
Smit Patel created an issue

Hello all,

I plotted the PCA graphs for my protein however the points are too close in a conformational space, so I tried to perform clustering on the data points in that conformational space. However, what value of k do we have to determine to cluster these data points? Can someone please guide how to implement the elbow method to find the optimal k for the data points?

Another doubt was regarding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Can anyone guide me on how to create a table where one column represents the eigenvectors and another column represents the eigenvalues?

Comments (2)

  1. Xinqiu Yao

    I am not sure what “elbow method” you refer to. Can you provide more detail (e.g., papers)?

    You can simply “cbind” the objects to create the table. For example, cbind(eigenvectors, eigenvalues).

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