Player being killed while capturing a control point breaks the control point.

Issue #158 resolved
AnSq created an issue

Scenario: Team1 has a control point. A member of Team2 is standing on that point, but has not fully captured it yet. The player is killed.

Result: The control point is stuck in a weird in-between state of belonging to Team1, but not counting towards the win condition. For example, if the win condition is to control all points for one minute and Team1 also controls all others in addition to the broken one, they still cannot win because of this issue. Team1 is also unable to "re"-capture the control point by themselves. The only way to fix it is for some other team (not necessarily Team2) to fully capture the point. After that it works. If Team2 is the one to capture the broken point, then they only need to stand on it for the time that remained after the original person was killed. For example, if it was halfway captured by Team2 originally when they were killed, then Team2 only needs to capture it halfway again to gain control. This is not shown in the percentage bar when Team1 stands on it though.

Tested with four teams, the 8x8 capture points (five of them), and the following addons: Brick_1RandomPack, Brick_Checkpoint, Brick_InvertedCorners, Brick_ModTer_BasicPack, Brick_Pole, Brick_SmallVehicleSpawn, Brick_Teledoor, Brick_Treasure_Chest, Brick_V15, Emote_Alarm, Emote_Confusion, Emote_Critical, Emote_Hate, Emote_Love, Event_setPlayerTransform, Event_Variables, Gamemode_Slayer, Gamemode_Slayer_CTF, Gamemode_Slayer_Territory, Item_Pill, Light_Basic, Particle_Basic, Particle_FX_Cans, Particle_Player, Particle_Tools, Player_Fuel_Jet, Player_Jump_Jet, Player_Leap_Jet, Player_No_Jet, Player_Quake, Print_Letters_Default, Print_ModTer_Default, Projectile_GravityRocket, Projectile_Radio_Wave, Script_AdminShields, Script_BrickCenter, Script_HealthBar, Script_SpawnMessage, Server_AdminChat, Server_BetterOrbing, Server_BrickTime, Server_GamePreferences, Server_KDR, Sky_BedroomReal, Support_DediLoader, System_ReturnToBlockland, Weapon_BNailgun, Weapon_FlakCannon, Weapon_Gun, Weapon_Guns_Akimbo, Weapon_HEGrenade, Weapon_Melee_Extended, Weapon_Package_Explosive1, Weapon_Package_Explosive2, Weapon_Package_Tier1, Weapon_Package_Tier1A, Weapon_Package_Tier2, Weapon_Package_Tier2A, Weapon_Rocket_Launcher, Weapon_Scythe, Weapon_Spear, Weapon_Sword

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