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MeshChecker / MeshAnalysis / MeshAnalyses

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Mesh Analyses

Mesh Analysis is an analysis rule which used to check meshes. It is possible to make your own automatic analyses with C# API offered by the MeshChecker. All you need is create a class derived from the MeshAnalysis or MessageMeshAnalysis class, mark it with the MeshAnalysisAttribute and implement a logic.

List of built-in analyses

Title Result Description
Coincident UV Error This rule detects triangles that have identical UV coordinates of two or three vertices in, at least, one UV set.
Coincident Vertices Error This rule detects mesh surface errors. The analysis finding any triangles with coincident or very close to each other vertices completes with an error result.
Inverted Normals Error This rule detects problems with vertex normals. Triangles that have any of its vertex normals angled to a triangle normal more than 90 degrees are considered problematic.
Pivot out of bounds Warning Pivot point is outside the bounding box of a mesh.
UV Exists Error A mesh has no UV sets defined.
Vertices out of bounds Error A mesh has one or more vertices outside it’s bounding box.
