visualize arcs second

Issue #1007 closed
deneb Cygnus created an issue

Hi all.
I think it would be interesting in the statistics and historical part that arc/s can also be configured as a resolution
It would be nice.

Comments (10)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi - I don’t quite understand what you are referring to by “arc/s”. Can you elaborate which statistic you are referring to?

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Dale I think the request is to include HFR that is corrected by the image scale - at least that’s my understanding when running the text through google translate.

    So HFR * arcsec per pixel.

  3. deneb Cygnus reporter

    Hi Stefan and Dale.
    Edit the above message and google translated and saved it. I apologize.

    In the measurements of the stars, it would be interesting to have the measurement in arcssecond.
    I have several telescopes and it is interesting to know the resolution that the telescope + sky + guided set is giving me.
    Actually the HFR indicates the quality of the sky, focus and equipment well, but not comparing with other equipment.
    Normally when we go out to observe several colleagues, we each have a different team and when comparing teams, the HFR is not the best comparative tool.
    That is why I propose another scale, arcsecond, which is a comparative measure.
    We can also know more intuitively what good sky is today, since it is easier to memorize

    I don't know if HFR * arcsec per pixel. is the formula.
    if so, it is easy to integrate and eases your work.
    Thank you

  4. George Hilios

    @deneb, HFR as it is currently implemented isn’t useful for comparison across scopes or configurations. It’s not accurate in an absolute sense, but in a relative sense for a single configuration it works well enough for autofocus. If I’m able to get FWHM measurements working in the Hocus Focus plugin, the units there will be in arcseconds.

  5. deneb Cygnus reporter

    Thanks, George.
    It would be great if it were added to Hocus Focus.
    But having it on the front page when analyzing each photograph and being able to compare shot by shot would be ideal.
    Great job the software they are making.

    I have a question regarding Stefan's answer.
    arcs second equals HFR * resolution (telescope - pixel size)
    o FWHM * resolution (telescope - pixel size)??

  6. George Hilios

    The point I am trying to make is that NINA’s HFR in arcseconds is meaningless, as you won’t be able to compare the values anyways across setups.

  7. deneb Cygnus reporter

    Thanks George.
    I read about this question and it is best to use FWHM to calculate it.
    As Stefan says, the value has to be multiplied by the resolution of your team and we have the arcseconds.

    Having Hocus Focus in Arcsecond is already great.
    It is nothing important and you can wait for implementation.

    Thank you all

  8. Stefan B repo owner

    Converting the HFR values to arcseconds is not sufficient for comparing different setups and has no real value.

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