Flat Wizzard: Allow \ character in Target name and create directories when needed

Issue #1009 closed
Michael Ring created an issue

I just saw that Target Name accepts the same replacements for file components like imaging in general which would allow me to automagically put flats done with different cameras/filters in different directories if \ character were respected and handled in Target name. Currently it is replaced with '-' character and only one directory level is created.


Target Name $$CAMERA$$\$$TELESCOPE$$

Directory created was

ZWO ASI071MC Pro--Skywatcher Esprit 80ED

expectation would have been:


Skywatcher Esprit 80ED

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    This is replaced on purpose. The image patterns should not be able to create folders - as too many issues have been reported in the past where an accidental folder was created. Use the image pattern itself to put everything into the respective folder. e.g. $$FILTER$$ for filters and for a camera you can use $$CAMERA$$

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