PrimaLuceLab Eagle4 Switch ASCOM Driver

Issue #1010 closed
sonata31 created an issue

In N.I.N.A. when I select the switch "EAGLE Switch ASCOM", and I click on Check, I get this error message

Thank you for your help


Comments (10)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi, this is an error that is internally thrown from within the ASCOM driver. You'll need to reach out to PrimaLuceLab, as this is nothing related to N.I.N.A. code.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    It is still nothing that is related to N.I.N.A. – this error pop up is coming from within the driver.

  3. sonata31 reporter

    Why does this error appear with N.I.N.A. and not with SGP?
    It is the same ASCOM driver on the same PC

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    The most probable difference is that SGP runs in x86 while NINA is running in x64.

    In any case this is a deserialization issue inside the ascom driver. Basically there is a null value for a double type which the newtonsoft parser is not set to ignore in their ascom driver code base. it’s a simple setting that can be set there and the fix should be easy to do for primalucelab.

  5. Dale Ghent

    Hi Louis, the error is an exception that is generated from within the PLL switch driver. This is not normal for a driver to do and, regardless of whose driver it is or the success you might have in other applications, it indicates a bug within the driver itself. It is the driver saying “I just did something illegal and I do not know how to react to it.”

    In this case, the error message itself is cryptic and gives no obvious indication of the error’s reason. There may be more information in the Details button of the error window, which you have omitted in conveying this report. So, while the crash is in the driver and the fact that it is doing is a bug in itself, the cause is hidden and you should contact PLL support to determine the source based on their driver’s logs and to issue a fix, or advise you how to fix it.

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