Session chart

Issue #1011 closed
Mirko created an issue

It would be nice to be able to have a chart of the entire session like the attached. So to analyze the entire session.

Comments (8)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    it’s hard to decipher what the screenshot is showing, without knowing EKos.

    A similar window like the statistics panel is already in place, a guider chart is also there as well as image statistics.
    Not sure what the Timeline is showing at all and what use it has, that’s basically the only thing missing.

  2. Ruediger


    I had a look on the screenshot too and I think the upper third is very good visualization of what has happened. It is a good graphical interpretation of the log.

    The current statistics focuses on the basic values and some events e.g. focus run and covers the lower two thirds of the screen shot.

    The timeline in the screenshot shows much more information and at the same time and I think this is a pretty comprehensive and smart visualization. This would be a helpful feature, if you see the sequencer steps shown on the time line.

    One vote for me.


  3. Tom Palmer

    It’s also similar to the SGP Log Viewer which I’ve used in the past: But that’s written by a 3rd party and works by scraping the SGP logs so it has to be up updated frequently … obviously not great. If the NINA plugin architecture supported all the events of interest, a plugin could do this.

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Plugin options are available for session history. At the time of this comment: "Lightbucket" and "Session Metadata"

  5. Ruediger

    Hi Stefan,

    none of the mentioned plugings have the described functionality. Moreover Lightbucket needs to be online.

    But there is “Web Session History Viewer”, which covers a good portion of it.


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