"Center After Drift" in the advanced sequencer no longer is able to plate solve after installing Version 2.0 Beta 015 and same in 016.

Issue #1014 closed
Gary Barr created an issue

I am able to plate solve and slew fine and have been able to “Center after Drift” in the advance sequencer from 1.11 to Beta 014. At Beta 015, it stopped working. I use ASTAP to plate solve and even in beta 015 and 016, I am able to slew, center, rotate, and plate solve. But, when it comes to the Center After Drift command, plate solve now always fails.

Comments (5)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    the drift trigger utilized the same logic as a standard solve and there were no changes to it recently.

    Is the FocalLength: 1230 and PixelSize: 5.4 correct?
    Furthermore which catalog is installed for ASTAP?

  2. Gary Barr reporter

    Very strange. Yes, my focal length is set to 1230mm and the pixel size is 5.4.

    I have the following ASTAP installed:

    ASTAP h18 star database up to mag 18. version eDR3.

    I have no failures at all when plate solving but everytime it does a drift trigger, I get an error. So, what happens, is now I never see it off by pixels in the advanced sequencer summary for Center After Drift. It always now says Exposures 0/3 and Distance 0.00/1.30….which is how I’ve setup my parameter for this. 1.30 (86px 1x1)

    I never had this issue until I installed Beta 015. I had 1.11 and 2.0 and all the betas up to then.


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