Atik383L+ Timeout After Exposure

Issue #1018 closed
James Wu created an issue

Lastest release version doesn’t have this kind of problem, however, when upgrade to beta version 2.0beta017, the camera won’t readout after expousure. Camera can be connected and cooled down successfully. Have already tested camera in mdl on reading to ensure camera running properly in other software.

Have tested ascom driver released on October 18th and lastest version on November 2rd. Neither of them work.

Here’s the logs:

----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------

-------------------Running NINA Version
---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------
---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------
---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------
------------------------Is 64bit Process True-------------------------
---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------
--------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19044.0---------------
---------------------------Major 10 Minor 0---------------------------
----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------

2021-12-17T01:01:35.7402|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|66|Found 0 ASI Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:36.0102|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|81|Found 0 Altair Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:36.9682|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|93|Found 1 Atik Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:36.9862|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|107|Found 0 FLI Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:38.3281|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|127|Found 1 QHYCCD Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:38.5151|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|145|Found 0 ToupTek Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:38.5351|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|157|Found 0 Omegon Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:38.9300|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|169|Found 0 RisingCam Cameras
NINA.Equipment.SDK.CameraSDKs.AtikSDK.AtikCameraDll+AtikCameraException: Error 'Unable to connect to camera' from call to
at NINA.Equipment.SDK.CameraSDKs.AtikSDK.AtikCameraDll.Connect(Int32 id) in E:\Projects\nina\NINA.Equipment\SDK\CameraSDKs\AtikSDK\AtikCameraDll.cs:line 57
at NINA.Equipment.SDK.CameraSDKs.AtikSDK.AtikCameraDll.GetCameraProperties(Int32 cameraId) in E:\Projects\nina\NINA.Equipment\SDK\CameraSDKs\AtikSDK\AtikCameraDll.cs:line 217
at NINA.WPF.Base.ViewModel.Equipment.FilterWheel.FilterWheelChooserVM.GetEquipment() in E:\Projects\nina\NINA.Core.WPF\ViewModel\Equipment\FilterWheel\FilterWheelChooserVM.cs:line 90
2021-12-17T01:01:39.1660|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|181|Found 0 MallinCam Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:39.1780|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|194|Found 0 SVBony Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:39.2260|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|204|Found 0 SBIG Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:39.6780|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|216|Found 11 ASCOM Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:39.6860|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|229|Found 0 Canon Cameras
2021-12-17T01:01:50.9463|INFO|ApplicationVM.cs|CheckASCOMPlatformVersion|68|ASCOM Platform installed
2021-12-17T01:02:20.1644|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|66|Found 0 ASI Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.2764|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|81|Found 0 Altair Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.2764|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|93|Found 1 Atik Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.2784|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|107|Found 0 FLI Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.2784|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|127|Found 1 QHYCCD Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.3884|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|145|Found 0 ToupTek Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.3974|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|157|Found 0 Omegon Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.5064|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|169|Found 0 RisingCam Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.5404|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|181|Found 0 MallinCam Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.5404|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|194|Found 0 SVBony Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.5454|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|204|Found 0 SBIG Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.5624|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|216|Found 11 ASCOM Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:20.5634|INFO|CameraChooserVM.cs|GetEquipment|229|Found 0 Canon Cameras
2021-12-17T01:02:52.3884|INFO|DockManagerVM.cs|InitializeAvalonDockLayout|303|Initializing imaging tab layout from C:\Users\Astro\AppData\Local\NINA\Profiles\c81968ed-30a9-47dd-858d-c71bda28cc96.dock.config
2021-12-17T01:03:42.9282|INFO|CameraVM.cs|ChooseCamera|436|Successfully connected Camera. Id: Atik 383L Name: Atik 383L Driver Version: 2020.10.19.677
2021-12-17T01:03:54.1875|INFO|CameraVM.cs|Capture|713|Starting Exposure - Exposure Time: 1s; Filter: ; Gain: -1; Offset -1; Binning: 1x1;
2021-12-17T01:04:55.3476|ERROR|CameraVM.cs|Capture|742|Camera Timeout - Camera did not set image as ready after exposuretime + 60 seconds

Comments (15)

  1. Didier PEYRET

    I have the same trouble with Atik Horizon II using NINA “Camera timeout - Camera did not set image as ready after exposure time + 60 seconds“ (Windows 10 Family V22H2).

  2. Dale Ghent

    Seems indicative of camera connectivity issues. Have you installed the latest drivers available from Atik?

  3. Didier PEYRET

    To be sure I uninstalled all Atik drivers and re-installed them from the Atik web site. The camera driver version did not change ( but its date changed from 08/20/2020 to 05/31/2022. During the first test all equipment were connected without issue, but NINA crashed during first imaging at the ‘debayering’ step. I re-tested with option ‘Debayer image OFF’ and it works. However the image is completely white, with the cap on the telescope (test during day time)! So I may have clear an issue to fall into another one.

  4. paolo lazzarini

    Hello folks, I have a similar problem with an ATIK 8300L+, with fresh drivers from ATIK website. The download of the images never happens , until timeout (when nothing appers).


    ATIK Ascom driver 1.0 reports

    Shall I touch these settings ?


  5. Dale Ghent

    Those settings are not relevant to Atiks or to download reliability. Check your cables and replace them.

  6. paolo lazzarini

    Thanks Dale, but with the same cables (and same ASCOM driver) MaximDL downloads regularly the images…

  7. Dale Ghent

    This is likely the difference in underlying Atik SDK version that is used by the native driver in nina and the atik ascom driver ( and, just to be sure, you are using the native driver in nina, correct?)

    The 383 is known to work well for people so I strongly doubt there is anything wrong in Nina’s own driver code.

  8. paolo lazzarini

    Hello again Dale. No, I was using the ASCOM ATIK driver and not the NINA's specific native one.

    Once applied the suggested setting, the issue disappeared. I wasn't aware of this. My fault.

    Thanks for your prompt help. Paolo

    Il giorno mer 30 ago 2023 alle ore 14:03 Dale Ghent <

  9. Peter De Groot

    Hi, I want so say something perhaps it helps.

    I was having the same issue with my veTEC571 (OMEGON) camera. Atik, omegon and others are all TOUPTEC cameras and seem to have the same problem. USB packets gone missing (I am investigating this on the USB level no real proof here yet… I keep analyzing).

    Anyway I solved the problem for me, it had nothing to do with the driver (was my first reaction too).
    In my case the camera USB was connected through an USB hub, well get rid of it and connect direct camera to computer USB 3.0 port. (sometimes the computer itself has a hub inside so try a port that does not go through any hub). Now it works without any issue for months, I’m using a BEELINK mini PC and a 5 meter long cable.

    I have tried several usb 3 hubs, same problem.

    If in your case you already have a direct connection then, for now, I have no solution.

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