iOptron GEM45 GPS not detected

Issue #1027 closed
Len Royles created an issue

The GPS is seen as ON in the iOptron Commander and after a capture delay turns to OK. I believe this indicates that the GPS is ready for use. However when I select the GPS update on the Options page N.I.N.A. returns a “no gps module detected” error message.

The log file indicates that COM 5 is denied access. I appreciate this is probably a Win10 or firewall thing but would appreciate any pointers. COM 5 looks OK in Device Manager.

Running on an Intel NUC.

Comments (7)

  1. Len Royles reporter

    Found an old USB GPS device of unknown origin and that updated in NINA without any problems. Connected via the USB hub on the GEM45 Mount so accessed through the mount USB path. Connected as COM 3.

  2. Dale Ghent

    Being a serial device that’s accessed via COM port in Windows, the GPS can be accessed by only one app at a time. NINA will be prevented from reading from the GPS device if iOptron Commander is already doing so, and vice versa.

  3. Len Royles reporter

    Forgive my lack of knowledge here. My understanding is the the iOptron Commander acts as a gateway to the mount for N.I.N.A. in which case why would the GPS information not also be available to N.I.N.A. It would just be a message? I can use the external GPS device so this isn’t a deal breaker for me but I just find it somewhat puzzling?

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    The button in the options tab is for NMEA GPS Devices only. There is no special implementation to talk to specifics like iOptron Commander.

    What you can do instead is connect to the telescope driver in the telescope page. When the coordinates of the ASCOM driver are different to what is set in N.I.N.A. - and i guess here the ASCOM driver will use the iOptron Commander GPS module coordinates - a pop up will be shown if you want to import these coordinates from the ascom telescope driver.

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