Filters lost when upgrading from 2.0beta30 to beta31.

Issue #1053 closed
Cedric Raguenaud created an issue

When I upgraded from beta30 to beta31, the filter definition for filters 6 to 8 was lost. They were called , filter 7, filter 8 filter 6, instead of Ha, SII, OIII. Filters 1 to 5 were as before.

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Did you connect to a different filter for example a simulator that did not have these slots?

    An app upgrade alone will not touch these settings, but only a connection to a filter wheel with less filters will

  2. Cedric Raguenaud reporter

    Non, all I did between the last session and last night is start Nina, see the message for a new version, say download, install, and start again. I didn’t notice the change in filters until the session started taking images with luminance instead of OIII because the filter had been changed to “current” in the sequence

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    The only case where filters are removed is if a filter wheel is connected reporting less filters than in the options list. Maybe there was a communication issue with the driver and it reported only 5 positions?

  4. Cedric Raguenaud reporter

    Pas que je sache, mais c’est difficile d'être sûr. C’est un petit problème, j’ai juste pensé le signaler.

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