Add an annotate function to NINA

Issue #1067 new
Markus created an issue

It would be very helpful, if NINA could annotate the current image displayed in the imaging tab with labels for star names, DS object names, etc.

Comments (6)

  1. Markus reporter

    Find attached a screenshot how the annotate function is working e.g. in ASIair: on the plate solved image the identified objects are marked with labels and circles.

  2. Linwood Ferguson

    If you go into Framing Assistant, and load one of your images using the image source File, it will do some annotation now. Here’s an example from last night, zoomed in a bit as the font is small (I think I can adjust that but frankly never use the feature, I start on the other side, using the hips survey to frame what I want to shoot, then center on that).

  3. Markus reporter

    Thanks for this tip which is a nice workaround, that I haven’t realized.

    I am an ASIair user too and there I use the annotation function during imaging or taking a single shot very often. So I am missing this feature in NINA.

    It would be very helpful if the user could activate the annotation labels in the imaging tab image view the same way he can activate the HDR overlay with one single click. Going into the framing assistant and opening the saved image there is not really intuitive in my opinion (you have to know that way)

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    An annotation would require a platesolve on each image. Otherwise the coordinates are not known. The mount coordinates might be unavailable or just wrong when not synced.

    What is the annotation used for?

  5. Markus reporter

    In ASIair the annotation is linked with the plate solve, sure (not with the telescope coordinates). It is used for information purpose, e.g. when you see some objects that you don’t know, or if you sent a screenshot to somebody, or if you are unsure, which of the visible object has which catalogue name, … It’s some useful little feature in ASIair to make it a little bit more comfortable. It’s only one finger tip in the imaging GUI there

  6. Markus reporter

    You can find the function in ASIair in the imaging GUI under tools → annotate, where you as well can activate a crosshair and you can activate/deactivate display die HFR of the stars

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