SkyAtlas: filter objectlist for "above custom horizon" (houses, trees)

Issue #1070 wontfix
Markus created an issue

NINA doesn’t offer a filter in SkyAtlas to show objects between start and stop time that are above my custom horizon (that is normal not the same as the real horizon, e.g. because of trees, neighbor houses, etc.)

Please implement such a filter, Thanks

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Your screenshot indicates the time range of 0 to 4, which according to the screenshot is above horizon during that timeframe.

  2. Markus reporter

    Sorry, yes, you are right: during my tests I was so confused, that I thought that NINA lists objects in my time windows that are only above the real horizon, but NINA uses the custom horizon as well. Thanks! My feature request is obsolete 🙂

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