Activate guiding while capturing image for plate solve

Issue #1086 closed
Björn Arnold created an issue


I have the issue that I need long exposures for plate solving due to NB filters (60s+). During this time, the guiding is turned off. When it’s turned off, stars might be elongated (at minimum from periodic error). I believe it would help if guiding were active while the image for plate solve is captured. Can this be implemented?


Comments (7)

  1. Dale Ghent

    You can set a dedicated filter for plate solving, such as Luminance. When set, the solving process will switch to the designated filter for the plate solve exposures. There is no need to plate solve through narrowband filters.

  2. Björn Arnold reporter

    I know, this would be the obvious solution. However, I only have a filter drawer and need to have the meridian flip unattended. That’s why I also would like to have a working plate solve for a NB filter.

  3. Dale Ghent

    Have you considered using a higher gain for plate solving as well? This will allow you to decrease your exposure time and perhaps avoid the need to guide. Generally, though, I can’t imagine that the sky is so bad that you have to guide for plate solve exposures. Generally this is not an issue for people.

  4. Björn Arnold reporter

    I’m using a CCD where I cannot change gain. Unfortunately periodic error may elongate stars for 60 second exposures, if one has a pixel scale of 1,17”p.pixel at 1600mm FL.

  5. Stefan B repo owner

    The overhead in time for this is huge. Not going to implement this. Typically you would want to change to your Luminance filter for platesolving. With filter offsets you will also be in focus when changing filters.

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