Message Box halts all processing, including essential background tasks

Issue #1092 closed
Ara Jerahian created an issue

This is best described by an example use case. I need to have a single image captured and saved for a target before the rest of the frames are captured in order for me to kick off a separate process with that first image and monitor the folder subsequently. I do not want the rest of the images to be captured until I am ready for them, so I inserted a Message Box between the single “Take Exposure” and the remaining “Take Many Exposures”. This simply portion of my sequence looks like this:

The issue is this: Once the “Take Exposure” completes, the modal dialog pops up as expected. However, the image from the Take Exposure is not saved. That is, it’s as if all threads are halted until the message box is dismissed, at which point only then does the image get saved.

Comments (4)

  1. Marc Blank

    Instead of MessageBox, you could use “Wait for Time Span” with some long wait time and then, when you’re ready, use the button that skips the current instruction.

  2. Ara Jerahian reporter

    Thanks Marc, that’s a good workaround! I’ll use it :) I still think my initial report points to an unintended side effect, so I will leave it to Stefan to decide whether he leaves this to be resolved or closes it out.

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