Use weather device temperature readings for AF trigger

Issue #1094 closed
Michel Makhlouta created an issue

I have a powerbox advance which comes with its free sensor, that provides temperature and humidity, as well as dew point. This is all readable in nina if the powerbox is connected as a weather device. the PPBA also uses that sensor to control dew heaters in auto mode.

Can we have an option where this value is used for AF temp change trigger? instead of buying a temperature sensor for my PLL focuser? I assume this would be useful in other scenarios as well, as not many focusers come with a free temperature sensor.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Weather Device Temperature readings are not reliable for autofocus. While the ambient temperature might have changed, the telescope might not yet be adapted to it. This will result in an autofocus that is too early. Usually focuser temperature probes have a metal rod like probe that you can attach to your scope to get a better readout of the scope temperature and therefore are much more reliable for this logic.

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