NINA 2.0 from HF2, and then back to HF3, various issues.

Issue #1095 closed
nickstarboy created an issue

Hi. Successfully used HF2 for many months, but wanted to try 2.0. However I just get the attached error 'NINA has stopped working.

A problem caused the program to stop working correectly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.”

So I went to install HF3 instead - however this fails as I already have 2.0 installed. SO i uninstall 2.0. Install HF3. Now I have lost all my profiles…is there any way of getting these back? They have filter offsets etc…..not sure if i have them anywhere else. This is a small disaster.

Any advice appreciated!

Perhaps because my laptop is win7 and only 4GB ram?


Comments (4)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Windows 7 is not supported at all and no effort will be made to debug issues with the application when running on such systems. This includes 1.10. Additionally, if you’re running 32bit NINA, that is currently supported only under a best-effort scheme even on supported versions of Windows and 32bit NINA will be discontinued after the 2.0 release.

    Your old 1.10-era profiles are in %LOCALAPPDATA%\NINA\Profiles_old\

    You can first delete the contents of %LOCALAPPDATA%\NINA\Profiles and then copy the contents of Profiles_old into there.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Windows 7 is not supported by microsoft and thus also not by N.I.N.A.

    Try to follow the steps provided by Dale to restore the profiles.

  3. nickstarboy reporter

    Thanks guys! As it happens i just found profiles_old, copied them over and it worked.

    Time for a laptop upgrade then I think!

    Thanks again, clear skies.

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